Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Take heart!

"I will be with you."
Exodus 3:12
Do you ever have times when you feel you're just not cutting it? You walk away from a conversation thinking, "Why in the world did I say that?" You feel like you're falling short at work? You feel like you're letting people down? You feel like you're not living up to your potential? We all feel this way from time to time; we can be our own worst enemies.  So, as disappointed as we can feel about ourselves, we can look to the giants of scripture and take heart. In this passage, Moses has just encountered God in the burning bush.  God has told Moses he wants to free the people of Israel and he knows just the guy to do it--Moses, himself! Moses had fled Egypt, after a life of privilege there, because he killed an Egyptian.  So, Moses replies, "Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh?" (v. 11) Who indeed? Moses had all the poor self-esteem the rest of us have and then some.  But God says the most important words..."I will be with you."  I have your back.  I got this.  And God says the exact same thing to us when we are calling ourselves up short.  In the end, God will not let us down.  Let's take heart and chew on that today.  Love, heidi

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