Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Just like Jonah

"But the Lord asked, 'Have you reason to be angry?'"
Jonah 4:4
This always makes me giggle because, here is Jonah, himself a beneficiary of God's mercy (God saves him from the belly of the whale--Jonah Chapter 2) and yet, when God decides to spare the city of Nineveh, Jonah gets all mad and pouts in his new little hut.  Jonah is so much like us when we are happy to enjoy God's mercy, but then hold a grudge over someone else.  Mercy is merciful, and as we bask in the infinite mercy of God, we must also extend that mercy to others.  It is so easy to say (or even type!) but so much harder to do in real life.  We may scoff at our friend Jonah, but the same human nature that causes Jonah to pout and stew is also in us.  Today, let's be aware of being kind and merciful to others, just as God is to us.  Blessings on our Wednesday!  Love, heidi

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