Tuesday, October 8, 2013

No more dancin'!

"To abstain from returning injury for injury is a divine act intended to prevent the devil from dancing twice."
Fr. Ed Hays, "A Book of Wonders"
Fr. Ed Hays explains that when someone wrongs us the devil does a happy dance. And if we respond with retaliation, the devil dances again, even happier than the first dance.  And I would add that if we hang onto the anger, bitterness, estrangement and a lack of forgiveness, the devil is in a dance marathon! Let's pull the devil's dance card and respond the way Jesus tells us; by praying for those who hurt us and loving our enemies.  My mother used to say, "Two wrongs don't make a right."  And I could add that "Two hurts just keep the devil dancin'."  Is there someone we need to forgive today?  Is there someone we need to ask forgiveness for a wrong we have done to them?  Let's clear the air, kiss and make up and sit the devil down!  Love, heidi

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