Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Speak with your Friend...

"Speak with God as a Father, as a Mother, as a Brother, as a Sister, as a Lord, as a Spouse. Sometimes in one way, sometimes in another, God will teach you what you must do to be pleasing."
St. Teresa of Avila, "Let Nothing Disturb You"
In honor of the feast day of St. Teresa, I hunted up this wonderful quote.  I love the idea of just talking with God, one to one, as a confidant and friend. In times of solitude, this just comes naturally to me.  It is sometimes harder for me to concentrate on rote prayer, but that is just me; many people do better with that.  I just like to talk, so just talking with God is very real to me.  I also need to be mindful of listening to God, and not just doing all the talking! Today, as we go about our post-holiday Tuesday-that-feels-like-a-Monday, let's take some time to just talk to God.  Maybe we can tell God how we are doing or what is frustrating us, or if we are excited, anxious or bored.  Let's share with God the vents and events of our day.  And then tonight, let's spend some time in silence to listen to God's response.  Blessings on your day! Love, heidi

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