Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Judge like Jesus

"Not by appearance shall he judge, nor by hearsay shall he decide."
Isaiah 11:3
Last night, I had a special prayer time via an Advent retreat from the site "Pray-As-You-Go." (Link below).  It was a wonderful way to spend quiet time with Jesus, as a lightly guided time of prayer and reflection.  It starts by having us ask Jesus for what we would like and I asked to draw closer to Jesus, as is my quest this Advent.  What Jesus conveyed to me is worth sharing...
Jesus asked me to try to be more understanding of others.  I am so quick to snap to judgments, but Jesus said to try and understand that others have a history that leads to where they are now.  "Try to understand that others may not have felt the love you felt in their lives.  They are wounded and their actions may speak of how they were treated.  Try to understand and seek the good in them.  Try to see them the way I see them."  Wow, right?  Such a powerful message for our Advent journey.  Today, let us not judge others as we see them, but try to understand and see them the way Jesus sees them.  Love, heidi


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