Monday, January 27, 2014

What shall I do, sir?

"(Saul) asked, 'What shall I do, sir?'"
Acts 22:10
Saturday was the feast of the conversion of St. Paul and this was one of the readings.  On his journey to Damascus, Saul encounters Jesus and is knocked down and struck blind. He asks the voice he hears, "Who are you, sir?" (v. 8) And when Jesus identifies himself, Saul says, "What shall I do, sir?"  I love this!  One encounter with Jesus (albeit a splendid one!) and Saul knows he's met his match! He knows he's encountered God and he puts himself immediately at God's service. How many encounters with Christ do we need before we are willing to let it all go for God? Let's spend some time thinking and praying about the many encounters we've had with Jesus.  Those encounters should change us, as powerfully as Saul's encounter changed him into Paul! They need to leave us asking, "What shall I do, sir?" What do we need to be doing differently? Is there anything in our day today that will look different because of our encounter with Jesus? Let's make our Monday morning prayer, "What I shall I do, Lord?"  Love, heidi

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