Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Quick and slow...the way to go!

"Everyone should be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger..."
James 1:19
When I have a particularly frustrating day, like I had yesterday, I don't need to reflect long on the why of it.  I know why.  I do it to myself.  I can't control everything that happens during the day, but I can control my reaction to it.  When I just hear what I want to hear and jump to hasty conclusions, words come flying out of my mouth; anger bubbles forth.  (I wish this had been yesterday's reading!) I have such great opportunity, each day, to do God's work and will and yet...
Lord, please help me to realize that today is a brand, new day; fresh and clean.  Yesterday and its frustration is over.  Today is what is in front of me.  Help me to be attentive and really hear those I meet today.  Help me to engage the clutch on my mouth and be slow to speak--so slow in fact that maybe I will say nothing! And let anger not appear on my radar today.  With your help, only Lord, with your help!  Love, heidi

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