Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Judas--the first freed soul?

"Then Judas, his betrayer, said in reply, 'Surely it is not I, Rabbi?' (Jesus) answered, 'You have said so.'"
Matthew 26:25
I have been mystified by Judas ever since I was a kid.  He seemed like such a sinister character in some movie I watched deep into my childhood. In fact, I can still see him hanging there, from a tree, after taking his own life.  I've spent time comparing his sin to Peter's denial and felt fairly sure that Jesus would have forgiven Judas, indeed, DID forgive Judas.  I believe Judas was, perhaps, the first desolate soul Jesus visited and set free after his own death.  We never know at what point a soul recognizes Jesus coming toward him just before death.  I take comfort in the fact that God doesn't want to lose a single one of us.  God gives us every chance to come around.  Before he gave up his life in despair, Judas recognized his error and went back to the Chief Priests to correct his mistake and give back the silver.  Judas knew he was wrong.  Today, according to the Holy Week Sequence, should be a day of silence and prayer, preparing for the Holy Triduum.  Carve out some time to just be alone with Jesus today or tonight.  Spend some time, thanking God that we don't have to despair like Judas.  We know that Jesus lives and forgives.  Love, heidi

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