Sunday, April 13, 2014

Who am I? Where is my heart?

 “We would do well to ask just one question: who am I? Who am I, before my Lord? Who am I, who enters into Jerusalem in celebration? Am I able to express my joy, to praise Him? Or do I keep distant? Who am I, before Jesus Who suffers?”
Pope Francis, during his Palm Sunday homily (link below)
This was an amazing thing to sit and pray with today, Palm Sunday.  I decided that I probably would be a person in the crowd, following the whole deal, but too afraid to become involved.  I would have possibly been a follower of Jesus, finding him fascinating and wanting to be around him, but completely fearful to rock the boat as Jesus entered into his Passion.  I would be too fearful about what would happen to me--it's all about me, you see, unfortunately.  Maybe I wouldn't be one who shouts, "Crucify him!" But I also wouldn't race up and offer to wipe his face with my veil or scold the soldiers for being too rough.  I would, however, walk along the road to Calvary.  Jesus would glance over and see me in the crowd.  I could look into his eyes and my heart would beat faster and, just for an instant, I would want to do something--anything! But, fear would take over and I would helplessly just walk along.  The look in Jesus' eyes will stay with me forever.  The love. The compassion.  Jesus knows my fear and yet, Jesus reveals his love for me in his eyes. "It'll be OK," Jesus' eyes tell me.  My prayer for this Holy Week is this:
Jesus, I want to share your journey and maybe comfort you just a tiny bit.  Please help me to stay awake, to be with you every step of the way.  Please don't let me get distracted by the trivia of this world this week.  I want to only walk with you on this difficult journey.  Amen.  Love, heidi 

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