Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Feeling called?

"But often being called...can be more subtle, manifesting itself as a strong desire, a fierce attraction, or even an impulse to leave something behind."
James Martin, SJ, "Jesus A Pilgrimage"
This hit me over the head yesterday when I read it in the beautiful sunshine. I guess it's what I have been going through for the last several years...feeling called to something.  What struck me, on this reading, was the last part, "even an impulse to leave something behind."  Whoa...when we choose a path to take we are NOT choosing other paths.  We are saying good-bye to other opportunities and dreams.  Choosing a path seems like a positive action, but with it, comes a turning away from something else.  People who choose the religious life give up the marriage and family life, and vice versa.  People who follow one dream, give up another.  It is so interesting for me to ponder this as I am choosing a new path myself.  Fr. Martin, in this fascinating book, includes this in the chapter where Jesus calls his apostles.  Jesus' call is so dynamic the fisherman leave their nets and families, the tax collector walks away from his booth.  Is there a dynamic voice calling us this Tuesday? Love, heidi

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