Friday, May 30, 2014

That's what friends are for...

..."and no one will take your joy from you."
John 16:22
That is so reassuring, but what about when things are really going wrong?  The inner most joy seems so hard to tap into; hard times seem to be piling on? That may be when others come in and, through their prayers, offer to lower the mat we are on, bringing us right in front of Jesus.  There will come a time when we are resting in Jesus' arms for eternity, but here on earth times of comfort are interspersed with times of pain.  Maybe we cannot even find it within ourselves to pray.  That is when our sisters and brothers in the Lord pray for us.  Just like the paralytic's friends who cut through the roof and lowered their friend to Jesus for healing, we are often called to take a corner of the mat and do this for those going through difficult times.  That's what friends are for (isn't that a song?)  Today, as we embark on a lovely weekend, let's remember those for whom we've been asked to pray.  Let our prayers lower their mats to Jesus for his healing and touch.  Love, heidi

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