Friday, June 6, 2014

Through our wounds...

"It is only because, at the very core of our being, we know ourselves to be forgiven that we can lead others to the audacious love of Christ."
Richard Gaillardetz, "Give Us This Day"
This jumped right off the page for me today.  The Gospel is John 21:15-19; Jesus asking Peter on the beach, "Do you love me?"  Then, when Peter responds yes, he does love Jesus, Jesus tells him what to do, "Feed my lambs..."  Peter had denied Jesus in the courtyard the night of Jesus' arrest and was wounded by this.  Jesus gives Peter the opportunity to make it right, by affirming his love for Jesus.  And with that forgiveness that Jesus extends, he tells Peter what to do--take care of others.  We can only extend to others what we ourselves have--namely the love and forgiveness of Jesus.  Out of Peter's woundedness, Jesus heals him and then calls for action.  Peter disappointed Jesus, but no matter now--take what you received from that, Peter, and do something positive with it.  We often think our wounds get in the way of our doing God's work, don't we?  I'm too shy.  I'm too broken.  I'm not holy enough. Phooey all that!  Once we realize that God loves and forgives us we can go out and love others the same way.  Let's think and pray about this as we embark on a beautiful weekend.  Through our wounds, Jesus heals us and then sends us forth.  Let's go!  Love, heidi 

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