Wednesday, September 14, 2016

God among us...

"Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to death..."
Philippians 2:7-8

I have always loved this reading, but each time I read it, I see something more.  I've also been reading Fr. Richard Rohr's daily meditations, and he is sharing how God is relational; participatory in our lives, not just watching us from afar.  This is exactly played out in Jesus becoming human and sharing our humanity with us...relationally with us.  Jesus came among us, in very humble, human form. Jesus wasn't born in a palace, regally.  Jesus came, taking the form of a slave, the humblest of humans.  This is especially startling as we look around and see who we, as a culture, admire. Yikes! The people we make our heroes and heroines often do not pass the humility test...some do, but many do not.  Our heroes need to be the humble among us, who live and work as Jesus demonstrated to us--with love and compassion for all. Our loving God is relational, not some distant deity judging us from the sidelines. Our God came to live and work among us, washing our feet and loving the most vulnerable in our midst.  Our most vulnerable are our most valuable.  Let's never forget that! Love, heidi

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