Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Entrusted with more?

"Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more,"
Luke 12:48

I sure can see how I've been entrusted with much! I grew up well-loved with every advantage of education and experience. I'm grateful everyday for the love of my parents, family and friends and for all I have been able to do and see in my life. So what am I to do, now that I see myself firmly in the "people entrusted with much" column?  I see it as such a responsibility to give back, but, as obvious as that is, I still struggle with it. I remember that first retreat at Marymount when I was praying that I could change my life all around and have a spiritual vocation. It was such a grand ambition, seemingly so far out of reach, and yet I felt so drawn to that.  And I remember the answer coming just as clear as a bell. Heidi-dear, what I'd really like is if you would just do your life better now, where you are right now. Any vocation is a spiritual vocation if you just do it with love and for God. Huh? What is being asked of me, as a person given so much, is to do what I do with love and for God.  I am to love those I serve in my work, love those I encounter each day and do it all for the glory of God, who gave everything to me in the first place. (See, this is why I go on retreat! I get clear answers to murky questions!)  Abundantly Gifting God, please help me to give back to you today by doing what I do, better, with more love and for your glory! Love, heidi

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