Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Alive again!

"For a brief time, we are swept up in a contemplative movement that instantly connects our inner and outer world...(These) are mystical moments filled with an unexplainable intimacy, drawing us into a communion with divinity that is beyond our comprehension."
Sr. Joyce Rupp, "Prayer"

Interesting that I should read this today, on the one-year anniversary of beginning my silent retreat! I remember the morning it began. I'd spent a comfortable night at the Mother-house, met my friend, Sr. Susan, for breakfast, and then she sent me off for a walk around the beautiful campus. "Now, you meet with Sr. Kathleen (my retreat director) at 9:00, so have a nice walk and I'll see you in a few days!" I was so filled with anticipation and even anxiety. How could I spend so much time (days!) alone? I put Matt Maher's "Alive Again" in my ears and just started walking. By the end of the second chorus I was "swept up," as Sr. Joyce calls it. "Now I'm breathing in, breathing out; I'm alive again!" Matt sang in my ears. My heart swelled to near-bursting and soon I was in tears...oblivious to the world around me, but so aware of only God's Presence. And that was only the beginning...
Pull yourself aside today and spend some time with God! Love, heidi

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