Monday, March 11, 2013

The faith to head home...

"Jesus said to him, 'You may go; your son will live.' The man believed what Jesus said to him and left."
John 4:50

I would love to say I have that much much as the man with the dying son in today's Gospel. But, I am pretty sure I would have pleaded with Jesus to come to my house and heal my child, in person. And after the healing, Jesus, please stay around a few days more in case of a relapse! Jesus didn't even go to the dying son's side...he healed from a distance. I would want more hands-on support, I'm afraid. The man showed great faith in the first place, coming to Jesus, asking for a miracle. And then, perhaps, even greater faith by heading home. The other lesson I took from this today is the lesson of intercessory prayer. Notice the father is asking for healing for his son. The son isn't asking for himself. That teaches us that Jesus answers intercessory prayers for others....and from a distance! That is so beautiful and sure encourages us to pray for others, doesn't it? Hopefully, we have the faith of this father here today. We have the faith to ask and then return home, hoping and knowing that our prayer is answered. Blessings on your Monday! Love, heidi

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