Thursday, June 13, 2013

Peeking under the veil

"Whenever a person turns to the Lord the veil is removed."
2 Corinthians 3:16

This may seem completely off-the-wall, but veils-being-removed reminds me of Facebook. No, hear me out! One thing that has been so interesting about Facebook is reconnecting with people I knew in college, over thirty years ago. At that time, we would sit around, talking about our futures. We were all working toward goals and careers and our lives were all so open and untested. Our futures were all ahead of us. Now, after all that time, we can reconnect and see how we all turned out! It is really fascinating! Now, we are on the later chapters of our life stories, the chapters after the sections of pictures, if you will. All those questions about what we would do, who we would marry, would we have children, where would we settle, are answered. Now, we may be looking ahead to retiring from those very careers we studied so hard to achieve. It is like the lifting of a veil that we were just peeking under when we were in college. And what has this to do with God? Well, one of the best parts of looking back is seeing the God tracks in our lives! They certainly are there! It was thirty-five years ago this week that I graduated from the University of Montana and my grown-up life began...I guess I just needed a little reflection. Blessings on your day! Love, heidi

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