Thursday, September 26, 2013

A hole in my pocket!

"And whoever earned wages earned them for a bag with holes in it."
Haggai 1:6
Well, that explains a lot!  My purse has a hole in it!  True enough...I often wish payday would come more often!  The trouble is, no matter how much I earned, the result would likely be the same. In this reading today, the prophet Haggai is telling the people of Israel to get off their duffs and build the Lord a home.  The people have the usual objections--not enough time or money--but it comes out as "The time has not yet come to rebuild the house of the Lord." (v. 2) I think we, like the Israelites, may need a few lessons in spending more wisely, more purposefully, thus making us able to help others.  Coming on the heels of yesterday's "use it or give it away" message; today, let's take a good, honest look at our spending habits and see if we can improve how we are using our hard-earned wages.  Is there a hole in your purse or pocket, like there is in mine?  Love, heidi

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