Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Kingdom of God starts now!

"For behold the Kingdom of God is among you."
Luke 17:21
Now? Here? With these people? This all seems puzzling to us, as it probably did to the disciples.  They were looking for a better life, out from under the Romans.  We are looking for a better next life, away from the suffering and sorrows that creep into even the finest lives here on earth.  So, Jesus, what gives with your statement--"The Kingdom of God is among you?"  In thinking about this, I realized that the Kingdom is not just our time spent in church.  It is not just our celebration times, when things are going well and we are doing well.  The Kingdom of God isn't even the times when our families are gathered and we think it just doesn't get any better.  The Kingdom of God is our work-a-day lives.  Hard to believe, the Kingdom is not just our time in church, but our time at the grocery store.  The Kingdom is not just our time with loved ones, but strangers and even those who may irritate us.  The Kingdom of God is our REAL time with REAL people.  Jesus showed us that when he dined with saints and sinners alike.  The Kingdom isn't something out there on another day. The Kingdom is today, in whatever we do today, whether it is in the classroom, on a bus, in an office, on a highway. We need to open our eyes to the Kingdom of God. It is on our calendar for Today!  Love, heidi

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