Thursday, April 23, 2015

Bread of Life, nourish us!

"I am the living bread that came down from heaven..."
John 6:51
What does this mean to us? How can Jesus' bread of life nourish us? Physical food gives us fuel for our bodies to function and perform.  How does Jesus being the bread of life actually work for us?  Jesus' spiritual food gives our spirits nourishment--fuel for the spiritual journey. When our spirits struggle due to difficult life circumstances, Jesus nourishes us with hope.  How often throughout the New Testament did Jesus tell us, "Do not be afraid!" Our Bread of Life gives us hope.  Also, Jesus gives us comfort in times of loss, no matter what the loss.  Our grief is shared with an understanding Jesus who, himself, wept at the loss of his friend Lazarus. Our Bread of Life gives us comfort.  And Jesus' bread gives us the will to carry on. Whether our journey seems long or not-so-long, it can still seem daunting. The road ahead can seem difficult or tedious, but Jesus is there, cheering us on. "You can do this!  I'm with you every step of the way!" Our Bread of Life gives us encouragement.  Jesus, Bread of Life, please nourish us this day, with your hope, comfort and encouragement!  Love, heidi

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