Fr. Richard Rohr, "Preparing for Christmas with Richard Rohr"
This Advent I'm letting go of something I enjoy, but it doesn't always leave me "in joy." Facebook. I realize I spend so much time and energy on Facebook and sometimes, it drives me crazy! Letting go of something that gobbles up our time gives us time to spend on something else, according to a priest we had long ago. I'm hoping to spend some very quality time this Advent pondering, praying, and preparing. Here's hoping I don't just find another time-sucking, mind-numbing, blood-pressure-raising activity! Advent is one day old already! How are we spending it? Is there anything we can let go in order to spend more time prayerfully? Maybe it's TV watching? Maybe it's computer time? Whatever we can do to give ourselves a few more minutes each day to spend with God will be well worth our effort. I'm convinced of that...Love, heidi
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