Friday, August 19, 2011

Coming, going, staying...

"The Lord will guard your coming and going both now and forever."
Psalm 121:8

By the end of today, Sam will be on her way back to college and I will have sixteen fewer products in my shower. And to prove to myself that life is not completely over, I am riding in a twenty-five mile bike ride for the Idaho Falls Arts Council tomorrow. Comings and goings...our lives are full of them. But that doesn't make them easy, necessarily. And, this time of year, all over the country, kids will be leaving home, parents standing on the curb, waving. I vividly remember doing it myself. I remember driving out of the driveway embarking on a cross-country trek, my dad looking older to me than he ever had. The coming home times were always wonderful, but the partings were sometimes difficult. Now, I am on the other end as the parent staying behind, keeping the home fires burning. And, it is a bit tough. But it is reassuring to know that God guards our comings and goings and even our "stayings." God is in our midst as we go through these times! Blessings on you, Friends, and your comings, goings and stayings...Love, heidi

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