Monday, May 20, 2013

In awe of the Big numbers!

"The sand of the seashore, the drops of rain, the days of eternity: who can number these?"
Sirach 1:2

No matter what, at some point we get hit with just how vast our universe is. I remember, years ago, gazing at the innumerable stars overhead as we were camping in Island Park. It just boggled my brain to comprehend how many. It was awe-inspiring! We are blessed to have these moments because they illustrate to us just how big our God is. Think of the big numbers--the grains of sand, the drops of rain, the stars, and then think of how big the Creator who counted each one and placed it in our midst. I know, whoa, right? And to think, that very Creator knit us in our mothers' womb. We are loved, beyond measure, by a Creator who carefully placed our eyelashes, one by one. Today, as we celebrate a May Monday, let's us stand back in awe of our God and the world created by One who loves us--just as we are! Love, heidi

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