Tuesday, July 7, 2015

God among us

"At the sight of the crowds, his heart was moved with pity for them, because they were troubled and abandoned like sheep without a shepherd."
Matthew 9:36
We certainly don't have to have it all figured out for Jesus to love us. Jesus is especially drawn to those who don't have it all together. The mute man in today's Gospel, the crowds who followed Jesus in perplexed curiosity, all of us who wander and wonder...Jesus takes us right there and loves us the way we are. Part of that is that Jesus is God--our God who made us just the way we are.  And the other part is that Jesus was human. Jesus wandered with us.  Today, on our summer Tuesday, let's look at those around us with the love and compassion that Jesus shows all those he encountered as he walked.  Love, heidi

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